Professional Movers’ Advice for Involving Employees in Business Moves

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Advice on Business Moves & How to Involve Your EmployeEs in the ProcessInvolving Employees in Business Moves in Alexandria, VA & Washington, D.C.

During business moves, it is important to involve your employees because they can help organize and streamline the moving and storage process. Here are a few tips from Fitzgerald Commercial Movers in Alexandria, VA and Washington, D.C. on how to get your staff on board.

  • Communication - Communication is key. Between looking for moving companies and planning when the move will happen, there is the risk of confusion and misinformation during such a big change. To avoid this, schedule meetings with your staff to establish a timeline and information about packing or when everyone should report to the new location. Your employees will face the most changes as their commute to work will be affected as their workspace is changed. Keep everyone informed and updated.
  • Teamwork - You hired your employees for a reason. Let them help and have a say in the design and new changes to the office during business moves. Business moves are the perfect time for a change, but your employees’ lives and workspaces are being directly impacted by it. Create forms for feedback and open suggestions. Let everyone know that their ideas are important and listen to them to help morale during the move. What do they need? A new desk, new cabinets in the new office space? Gather info on what everyone might want or wish for and see if it can fit in the budget.
  • Move Leaders - There are many people and tasks involved when a business moves. Pick someone to oversee and to follow specific tasks. Use your employee’s strengths and pick a leader who fits this job. This role will help the move go smoothly. A leader can work and collaborate with the movers, oversee the IT changes, and meet the movers at the new location.
  • Work During the Move - Consider the time and energy your employees will put into the move. If their workload is too much, they won’t be able to get ready for the move in time. See what projects can be put on hold, and if you can hire temp help for routine projects to lighten the load.
  • Feedback - See how everyone is handling the move and see how it can be handled better next time.


Contact Fitzgerald Commercial Movers

For more information on tips for effective business moves, contact Fitzgerald Commercial Movers today for all your commercial moving and storage needs.