Office Movers in DC give Advice on Moving Office Equipment

Experienced Office Movers in DC Provide Tips on Safely Moving Office Equipment in Alexandria, VA & Washington, DCOffice Movers in DC & Alexandria, VA

The office’s moving day has been tentatively picked and you are being to plan how to approach the big day. There are many parts to a move, especially when there are many people involved such as your employees. As you prepare, take some advice from Fitzgerald Commercial Movers’ office movers in DC and Alexandria, VA.


Tips for Moving Office Equipment

While preparing for an office move, our office movers in DC have three recommended areas of focus.

  • Preparation - Begin planning for your move as soon as possible. Planning will help you and your office avoid mistakes or mishaps that can incur extra fees and lost time. Begin to take inventory, see what must move, where, and who will be completing the move. Announce your change of address ahead of time, update your website and all printed materials too.
  • Employees - Your move will put strain on your employees. Their daily work will be disrupted by the move so it is essential to inform them ahead of time and create a schedule of when they can begin packing, when to transition to the new location, and more. Create checkpoints to make sure everyone is handling the situation well, see if they have any advice on how to improve the process, and even look into hiring temporary help to keep up with the daily tasks.

    You hired your employees for a reason. Their expertise and skills will come in handy. Pick a move manager who can over see the move and meet the movers. If you have IT workers, they can prepare the computers and equipment.
  • Professionals - Avoid the stress and risks of you and your employees completing the move on your own. Pick three office movers in DC and moving and storage companies to visit your office for an estimate. Tell them exactly what you need and how they can help you. Hiring professionals who will complete your move with ease will allow you to focus on your business.

With these tips in mind, you and your employees will be prepared to handle your upcoming move. Our office movers in DC are here to help streamline your upcoming moving and storage needs as well.


Contact Fitzgerald Commercial Movers

For more information on our moving and storage solutions from our expert office movers in DC and Alexandria, VA, contact Fitzgerald Commercial Movers today.